Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

MI5 investigating Al-Qaeda attempt to infiltrate British labs, get killer viruses


Via JihadWatch.

Watch for the howls of protest to come, in which the possibility of Al-Qaeda’s actually obtaining such viruses will be lost amid cries of “racism” and infringement of privacy, etc. “M15 in terrorist checks on 800 killer virus labs,” by Jason Lewis in the Daily Mail:

MI5 and anti-terrorist police are carrying out secret background checks on thousands of scientists amid fears that Al Qaeda is trying to infiltrate British research laboratories to obtain deadly viruses. The vetting, which includes checks on family backgrounds, political views and associates, is part of a review of some 800 laboratories in hospitals, universities and private firms where staff have access to incurable viruses such as ebola.

Last night, Whitehall sources confirmed the crackdown by MI5 and the police’s National Counter Terrorism Security Office.

A series of spot checks and detailed inspections are also being led by experts from the Health and Safety Executive.

Last week one of the HSE’s top inspectors revealed details of its investigation, which until now has been highly secret.

Dr Paul Logan, of its Biological Agents Unit, told a Commons sub-committee on biosecurity: “We work very closely with the security services. We advise them on toxins and pathogens.

“They are looking at very different things at the moment in terms of vetting of staff, looking at physical security and how easy it is to break into premises and the wider security issues.”…

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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