Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Melanie Morgan: I’ve been called every name possible.


Received by email from Melanie Morgan:

We knew it was going to be like this.

Once a truthful account of Cindy Sheehan was told to the American public, the anti-war lobby was going to lose it. And believe me they have, now that “American Mourning” has been officially released.

They are calling me every name possible; in profanity-laced insults they’ve said I am a prostitute. They’ve called me anorexic. They’ve called me a “bitch” so many times I’ve lost count. They’ve called my co-author Catherine Moy a “disgusting fat pig” who should have a tarp thrown over her face. Actually that was one of the nicer things they’ve said about her. What’s most serious is that these people – who have NOT read our book “American Mourning,” are now trying to drag down the book’s rating at by posting reviews with 1-star, calling Catherine and I even more names.

I am asking those of you who have picked up a copy of the book to please post your own review at

And whether you’ve read the book or not, you can join the discussion at Amazon’s page the issues involved in our book, “American Mourning,” and the war on terrorism.

Please stand by my side and help me make sure that those who dishonor our troops are not allowed to drown out this important story – a story that honors both Casey Sheehan and Justin Johnson. It’s a story that urgently needs to be told, and IS FINALLY TOLD in American Mourning.

Here’s the link to go post a review. Join the discussion. Help me respond to those in the anti-war movement. And if you haven’t already done so, be sure to order a copy of “American Mourning” for yourself or as a gift for others this Holiday Christmas Season.

About the author

Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



About Smooth Stone

Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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