Jewish GOP voting rates

Hat tip to Aaron, for posting this on Free Republic, after posting it also on Hog on Ice:

Digested from: October 17 – FrontPage Magazine – The Jewish Love Affair with the Democrats

Jewish GOP voting rates

1916 45%

1920 43% (but 38% also voted Socialist!)

1928 28%

1932 Under 20%

1936 15%

1940 10%

1944 10%

1948 25%

1952 36%

1956 40%

1960 18%

1964 10%

1968 17%

1972 34%

1976 27%

1980 39%

1984 31%

1988 27%

1992 15%

1996 15%

2000 19%

2004 ??%

I think it will approach Ike’s post WWII peak of 40%. I know LOTS of Jews who will vote for Bush for president but Democrat for everyone else.

The article is worth forwarding to “stuck” Jews.