The following names are of the 36 co-sponsors of Senate Resolution 321, a resolution intended to urge President Bush to coerce and implement the division of Israel into two states, to divide the Jewish Holy City of Jerusalem into two parts, in collusion to enable the establishment of a Muslim terror state to be called Palestine.
Please write to the following Senators and criticize them for denying the indigenous and historical rights of the Jewish people to their rightful capital city of Jerusalem, which to this day has not even been allotted or appointed as being part of Israel, but will, in months G-d Forbid, be part of the kleptocracy calling itself Palestine.
This bill, named the Feinstein-Lugar Israeli-Palestinian Peace Resolution, was introduced September 19, 2007.
There is Sponsor (1) and Co-sponsors (35). Of the 36, 24 are Democrats. 8 are Republicans and I believe that the sponsor herself is Jewish. All are detestable and have stated – on record – their disgust for President Bush, and their admiration for Islam. Repudiated co-sponsors who stand out are John Kerry, Robert Byrd, Richard Durbin, Edward Kennedy, Trent Lott, and Carl Levin.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA] – Sponsor
Sen. Daniel Akaka [D-HI] Sen. Max Baucus [D-MT] Sen. Jeff Bingaman [D-NM] Sen. Sherrod Brown [D-OH] Sen. Richard Burr [R-NC] Sen. Robert Byrd [D-WV] Sen. Maria Cantwell [D-WA] Sen. Robert Casey [D-PA] Sen. Larry Craig [R-ID] Sen. Christopher Dodd [D-CT] Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL] Sen. Russell Feingold [D-WI] Sen. Charles Hagel [R-NE] Sen. Thomas Harkin [D-IA] Sen. Kay Hutchison [R-TX] Sen. Edward Kennedy [D-MA] Sen. John Kerry [D-MA] Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D-MN] Sen. Herbert Kohl [D-WI] Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-VT] Sen. Carl Levin [D-MI] Sen. Trent Lott [R-MS] Sen. Richard Lugar [R-IN] Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA] Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL] Sen. John Reed [D-RI] Sen. Gordon Smith [R-OR] Sen. Olympia Snowe [R-ME] Sen. Arlen Specter [R-PA] Sen. Debbie Ann Stabenow [D-MI] Sen. John Sununu [R-NH] Sen. George Voinovich [R-OH] Sen. Jim Webb [D-VA] Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI] Sen. Ron Wyden [D-OR]
Here is the text of S. Res. 321: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Israeli-Palestinian peace process:
S. Res. 321: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
1st Session
S. RES. 321
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES
September 19, 2007
Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. DODD, Mr. HAGEL, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. BINGAMAN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. BYRD, Mr. BURR, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CASEY, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. FEINGOLD, Mr. HARKIN, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. KERRY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. KOHL, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LOTT, Mr. NELSON of Florida, Mr. REED, Ms. SNOWE, Mr. SUNUNU, Mr. VOINOVICH, Mr. WEBB, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. SMITH, Mr. SPECTER, Mrs. MURRAY, and Ms. STABENOW) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.Whereas ending the violence and terror that have devastated the State of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza since September 2000 is in the vital interests of the United States, Israel, and the Palestinian people;
Whereas the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict strengthens extremists and opponents of peace throughout the region;
Whereas more than 7 years of violence, terror, and military engagement have demonstrated that armed force alone will not solve the Israeli-Palestinian dispute;
Whereas the vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians want to put an end to decades of confrontation and conflict and live in peaceful coexistence, mutual dignity, and security, based on a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace;
Whereas on May 24, 2006, addressing a Joint Session of the United States Congress, Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Olmert reiterated the Government of Israel’s position that `In a few years, [the Palestinians] could be living in a Palestinian state, side by side in peace and security with Israel, a Palestinian state which Israel and the international community would help thrive’;
Whereas, in his speech before the Palestinian Legislative Council on February 18, 2006, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said, `We are confident that there is no military solution to the conflict. Negotiations between us as equal partners should put a long-due end to the cycle of violence . . . Let us live in two neighboring states’;
Whereas, in June 2002, the President of the United States presented his vision of `two states, living side by side in peace and security’, and has since repeatedly reaffirmed this position;
Whereas events of the past 18 months, including the victory of Hamas in Palestinian legislative elections, the continued firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel, and the escalating intra-Palestinian violence and chaos, culminating in the June 2007 brutal takeover of Gaza by Hamas, make the achievement of President Bush’s vision even more difficult;
Whereas, on June 27, 2007, the Quartet (the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations) appointed former British Prime Minister Tony Blair special envoy to the Middle East with a focus on mobilizing assistance to the Palestinians and promoting economic development and institutional governance;
Whereas a robust and high-level American diplomatic presence on the ground is critical to bringing Israelis and Palestinians together to make the tough decisions necessary to achieving a permanent resolution to the conflict;
Whereas June 2007 marked the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War between Israel and a coalition of Arab states;
Whereas all parties should use the occasion of this anniversary to redouble their efforts to achieve peace; and
Whereas achieving Israeli-Palestinian peace could have significant positive impacts on security and stability in the region: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Senate–
(1) reaffirms its commitment to a true and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the establishment of 2 states, the State of Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, and with recognized borders;
(2) denounces the use of violence and terror and reaffirms its unwavering commitment to Israel’s security;
(3) calls on President Bush to pursue a robust diplomatic effort to engage the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, begin negotiations, and make a 2-state settlement a top priority;
(4) urges President Bush to consider appointing as Special Envoy for Middle East Peace an individual who has held cabinet rank or someone equally qualified, with an extensive knowledge of foreign affairs generally and the Middle East region in particular;
(5) calls on Hamas to recognize the State of Israel’s right to exist, to renounce and end all terror and incitement, and to accept past agreements and obligations with the State of Israel;
(6) calls on moderate Arab states in the region to intensify their diplomatic efforts toward a 2-state solution and welcomes the Arab League Peace Initiative; and
(7) calls on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to embrace efforts to achieve peace and refrain from taking any actions that would prejudice the outcome of final status negotiations.
A two-state solution should be rendered obsolete, because the terror state of Palestine would be nothing but a kleptocracy stolen out from under the feet of Israel. The Jew’s roots are in Israel, and its evidence is embedded and corroborated in the archaeology, language, and the Bible. There was never a nation called Palestine ever in history. There were neither borders belonging to an entity calling itself Palesting nor were there any currency, or even a language known as a Palestinian language.
Therefore, to offer murderers a state just to quell their murderous rage is an intolerable solution. The Palestinians were offered a partition of ample land in 1948. They were offered 78% more land than the Britains offered the Jews. The difference is the Jews accepted the partition and the Arabs didn’t. Why didn’t the Arabs accept the partition? Because their hatred for the Jew is greater than their greed for land. Review the history that refers to the murders of the Jews by Arabs in Hebron in 1929 as 67 Jews prayed in their synagogue. Why did that happen? Why were Jews killed in 1929 while they were praying? Was there an occupation then? No, there was not.
The onus is not on Israel or Israelis to have to provide a solution to the Middle East conflict. Jews can only defend themselves. In spite of the skill of Hanan Ashwari, Arafat and other Arab mass murderers to convince others of supposed Palestinian victimhood, Israelis, Jews and Christians everywhere in the Middle East are the real victims of Arab xenophobia.
Jews and Christians threaten Arabian ethnocentrism. Jews and Christians remind Arabs that they are not superior. Palestinians will never accept Israel as a legitimate nation. Hamas certainly will not. Western liberal democracies are blind. However, western democracies are, unfortunately, willing to accommodate the Palestinians and the pan-Arabian nation even though Arabs are exploiting the tolerance of democratic societies.
Look at what is happening in Europe. Europe has opened the doors to Muslims, and now Muslims are demanding Sharia- obedience to Muslim law, in spite of the host nation’s law. Europe is now the object of Islam’s long-term plan to be subverted and destroyed.
The conflict in the world today is a conflict between belief and unbelief. The war between Israel and the Palestinian people, Muslims in Afghanistan, Muslims in Iraq, Muslims in Algeria, Muslims in Chechnya, and Muslims in the Philippines, is the same war. This is Islam’s aim: at its core is the eradication of all opposing thought and the establishment of Islam’s world wide domination. Islam is hell bent on the destruction of the Judeo-Christian world and Christians, too, are their prime targets.
Yes, it seems the focal point of the Islamist is Israel, but the ultimate target is to eradicate all non-Muslims. Israel is not at war with “Palestine”. Instead, Islam is at war with the rest of the world, and will be until there are no non-Muslims left.
So, no I do not support a two-state solution at all, and a one-state solution with the malicious “law of return” will turn the entire nation of Israel into a land of Arabs only, whose goal is to supplant Israel, not to live side by side with her.
Like Stan Goodenough wrote in 2006, as a direct result of the decades-long land-for-peace policies pushed by successive American administrations, Israel forced 8,000 of its Jewish citizens out of their homes and out of the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria.
The S. Resolution 321 will also ensure that tens of thousands more Jews will be driven from their homes in Judea and Samaria, and 95 percent of that land – the biblical heartland and national birthplace of the 4000-year-old people of Israel – relinquished for all time: the Judean hills, the mountains of Ephraim, Benjamin and Samaria – together with Gaza all turned into an Islamic Palestinian state.
And with utter conviction it is a fact that I state, until Jew-hating Palestinians and their leaders renounce the mendacious “right of return”, there is every reason to believe that Muslims will eventually call for a one, not two, state solution, with which Israel will be destroyed.