Little is ever mentioned about Israel’s humanitarian efforts. One of her efforts is the Israeli organization called “Save a Child’s Heart“.
“Save a Child’s Heart” is one of the largest undertakings in the world that provides urgently needed pediatric heart surgery and follow-up care for children from third world and developing countries. Its entire surgical, intensive care and nursing staff volunteer their services and donate their time, in conjunction with the Wolfson Medical Center outside Tel Aviv. The organization also brings medical personnel to train in Israel. Thousands of sick children from all over the world, regardless of race or religion, have had their lives saved with cutting edge medical technology.
Click here to see a table of all the lives saved by SACH by country, including more than 815 children from the Palestinian Authority, since 1996.
IsraelUpClose, a website which produces television news magazines about Israel and its citizens has a report on “Save a Child’s Heart” including an interview with two Palestinian families.
Click here to see the video (running time 4:41 minutes)
This philanthropic project is just one of the thousands of inspiring ways in which Israelis demonstrate their compassion and commitment to healing bridges with people in need from around the world.