The list of sponsors is surprisingly sparse: no Senators Schumer or Clinton, no Senators Durbin or Obama, no Representative Schakowsky, no Senators Feinstein or Boxer, not even Senators McCain or Lieberman. Perhaps some need a nudge or reminder; others might need a bludgeon.
“I think that what Israel’s doing to the Palestinians is effectively what was done to the Jews in Europe during World War II. I understand they’re living in a regime of terror, but frankly, if I were a Palestinian, I don’t know that I wouldn’t strap on a bomb and go and kill myself.” -Harvard Law School student
So starts a chilling yet practical report that is now offered to you for free by The Israel Project, a new non-profit organization devoted to strengthening Israel’s image around the world.
The report outlines specific recommendations to win the hearts and minds of America’s future leaders. It features colorful graphics and vivid portrayals of ads that succeed in winning support for Israel, as well as ads that fail.
In extensive research conducted for the report, Luntz found that students in America’s most elite graduate programs are misinformed about the Arab-Israeli conflict, hold negative attitudes toward Jews, and even justify suicide bombings.
“America 2020” is based on face-to-face group interviews with almost 150 randomly selected students under age 30 attending top graduate schools in America — including the top business school, the top law school, the top school of government, and the top school of journalism. For the report, Luntz talked to students in five mind-shaping centers in America: Boston, New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago and Los Angeles.
Attending Harvard, MIT and Columbia, to Georgetown, George Washington, and Johns Hopkins, to UCLA, the University of Chicago and Northwestern, the students in the study are already opinion-influencers. Tomorrow they will be opinion leaders, and by 2020 they will be the decision-makers.
The report contains a forward by Natan Sharansky, author of “The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror.” Sharansky wrote, “The research and findings in America 2020 are very sobering and may leave some readers in despair. I have visited dozens of American college campuses over the past few years and I have seen with my own eyes the challenges Israel faces. But I am an optimist. I believe Israel can and will regain the public image it once had and deserves today as a nation based on the essential principles of democracy, justice and human rights.”
If you care about Israel, get this free report so you can learn how to win hearts and minds for Israel today!
Click here to receive your FREE copy of TIP’s “America 2020” report while supplies last!
The Israel Project is a new international non-profit organization devoted to educating the press and the public about Israel while promoting security, freedom and peace. It was started by three mothers who became concerned that negative images about Israel in the media were endangering the future of children who want to live in a world free of the sorts of anti-Semitism faced by generations before them. The Israel Project provides journalists, leaders and opinion-makers accurate information about Israel. Learn more about The Israel Project.Board of Advisors: Senator Evan Bayh (IN), Senator Saxby Chambliss (GA), Senator Norm Coleman (MN), Senator Ben Nelson (NB), Senator Rick Santorum (PA), Senator Arlen Specter (PA), Senator Ron Wyden (OR), Congressman Rob Andrews (NJ), Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (NV), Congressman Tom Davis (VA), Congressman Eliot Engel (NY), Congressman Frank Pallone (NJ), Congressman Jon Porter (NV), Congressman Jim Saxton (NJ), Congressman Brad Sherman (CA), Congressman Joe Wilson (SC), Actor and Director Ron Silver