Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Israel Kills Three Top Palestinian Mass Murderers


Folks, please forgive me for using the biased Reuters organization as the source of this article, but as a source it proves a point.

First the news item: Israeli troops shot dead seven Palestinian militants, including three senior faction leaders, in Nablus on Saturday in the deadliest raid into the West Bank for months. Among the dead in the militant stronghold was Nayef Abu Sharkh, West Bank leader for al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, part of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat’s Fatah faction, medics said.

Okay, first object of note:

Reuters uses the term “militants”, which should really be replaced with the term “mass murderers”. Now let’s re-read the news item using the correct term:

Israeli troops shot dead seven Palestinian mass murderers, including three senior faction leaders, in Nablus on Saturday in the deadliest raid into the West Bank for months. Among the dead in the mass murderer’s stronghold was Nayef Abu Sharkh, West Bank leader for al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, part of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat’s Fatah faction, medics said.

See? See what power words have? See how diluted the term “militants” is when compared to “mass murderers”? Well, that’s exactly why Reuters won’t use “mass murderers”, even though it is truthful, factual, newsworthy. The term, “militant” is an opinion, and opinions should never be used by news media when reporting news and when it is not news it should be preceded by the term “editorial”.

Reuters uses the term “Palestinian President” when referring to the mass murderer, Yassir Arafat. There are two problems with that. One, there is no such thing as Palestine. It doesn’t exist. It was a region at one time where Jews once lived along with Arabs, before Arab Muslims tried to purge the entire Arabian peninsula of all non-muslims (read: infidels). But since 1948, Israel is a real country, and “palestine” is just a lurid myth. This fake palestine is neither a real place or a contemporary place. Ma fish falstin. Second, Arafat was never voted in as President – of anything. He was “self-elected”, is in actuality a terrorist-dictator, and is Egyptian, having been born in Cairo.

Click here to read first-hand of Reuter’s bias:

Israel Kills Three Top Palestinian “Militants”

About the author

Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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