Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Infidel Bloggers Alliance informs of us special rights for Muslims in the State of Michigan


Folks, I want to make mention of an excellent blog, Infidel Bloggers Alliance. It’s an extremely resourceful site providing dozens of examples of anti-Jihad, pro-Infidel news stories as often as the contributors find them. Here’s an excerpt from one of IBA’s posts today, Bank Holiday Lowdown:

Ann Arbor bank creates subsidiary for Muslims – [via Miami Herald] –

A bank that has been offering special services for Muslims for two years has now formed a subsidiary to focus solely on the religious group. The Ann Arbor-based University Bank has created University Islamic Financial Corp. to offer Muslims home financing, deposit accounts and Islamic mutual fund shares.”The formation of the subsidiary allows us to have a financial institution which is 100 percent in compliance with the Muslim Shariah, the legal code of the Islamic religion,” bank President and Chairman Stephen Lange Ranzini told The Ann Arbor News for a Saturday story.

Folks, the Declaration of Independence states “that all men are created equal”. However, if you are a Muslim and living in Michigan, not only are you not equal, but you are special, and therfore deserve special privleges and special services not at all extended to non-Muslims. This is just more evidence how Muslims in America are seizing their opportunities, testing their foes, and probing their weak spots.

America, wake up!

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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