… you are voting for a slick, multi-millionaire dilettante, who in twenty years in the Senate only managed to author, or co-author the following bills:
(See http://www.factcheck.org/article282.html for all bills and the details )
S.1206: Names a federal building in Waltham, Massachusetts after Frederick C. Murphy, who was killed in action during World War II and awarded (posthumously) the Medal of Honor. (1994)
S.1636: A save-the-dolphins measure aiming “to improve the program to reduce the incidental taking of marine mammals during the course of commercial fishing operations.” (1994)
S.1563: Funding the National Sea Grant College Program, which supports university-based research, public education, and other projects “to promote better understanding,
conservation and use of America’s coastal resources.” (1991)
S.423: Granting a visa and admission to the U.S. as a permanent resident to Kil Joon Yu Callahan. (1987)
H.R.1900 (S.300) Awarded a congressional gold medal to Jackie Robinson (posthumously), and called for a national day of recognition. (2003)
H.R.1860(S.856): Increased the maximum research grants for small businesses from $500,000 to $750,000 under the Small Business Technology Transfer Program. (2001)
S.J.Res.158: To make the week of Oct. 22 Oct. 28, 1989 “World Population Awareness Week.” (1989)
S.J.Res.160: To renew “World Population Awareness Week” for 1991. (1991)
S.J.Res.318: To make Nov. 13, 1992 “Vietnam Veterans Memorial 10th Anniversary Day.” (1992)
S.J.Res.337: To make Sept. 18, 1992″National POW/MIA Recognition Day.” (1992)
S.Res.123: To change the name of the Committee on Small Business to the “Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.” (2001)
S.Res.133: To make May 21, 1991 “National Land Trust Appreciation Day.” (1991)
S.Res.144: To encourage the European Community to vote to ban driftnets for all European Community fishing fleets. (1991 )
S.Res.216: Honoring Milton D. Stewart for his leadership and service at the Small Business Administration. (2002)
S.Con.Res.26: Calling for the United States to support a new agreement providing for a ban on commercial mining of minerals in Antarctica. (1991)
“Civics 101: John Kerry’s Thin Senate Record,” press release, Bush-Cheney ’04, 14 Oct 2004.
“56 Bills and Resolutions Kerry Passed,” press release, John Kerry for President, 13 Oct 2004.