What other country would tolerate daily rocket attacks on its citizens from Muslim warmongerers? From IDF Instructs Ashkelon Residents on Rocket Attack Protection:
Soldiers from the IDF’s Home Front Command handed out pamphlets containing guidelines on how to act in case of a rocket attack to residents of Ashkelon on Friday. The main guideline stated that residents must take cover in a secure room upon hearing the “Color Red” alert system. In a structure that does not contain a secure room, residents are asked to:
1. Enter the room farthest from where the rocket is expected to land and shut the door and windows.
2. Sit on the floor below window sill level near one of the internal walls.
3. Residents of the top floor must run to the stairwell and walk down to the floor beneath them. They can use the stairwell or hallway as a secure room.Residents who are outdoors during a rocket attack are asked to take cover in the nearest structure, or, if there is no structure close by, lie on the ground and protect their heads with their hands. Residents who are driving during a rocket attack are asked to pull over, step out of the car and enter the nearest structure. If in an open area, residents are to lie down and protect their heads with their hands.