Many of you are aware of the fact that Palestine Solidarity, the American student arm of the International Solidarity Movement, has announced that its National Conference will be held at Duke University, Oct. 15, 16, and 17, 2004. What is deeply concerning is the fact that Duke University is lending its campus to a group that refuses to denounce suicide bombing and violence as a means by which to resolve political questions.
Recognizing that freedom of speech is a sacred right of our people, we are also taught early on that “yelling fire in a crowded theatre” is not acceptable. In the past, they have yelled “Kill the Jews” at their conferences. There are many ways that we can respond to the situation. The Anti-Defamation League and Hillel are focusing on education and counter demonstrations and their work needs to be supported.
In addition, everyone can sign an electronic petition to the Duke University President Richard Brodhead requesting that the university reconsider having this group meet on campus and encouraging him to follow the lead of Rutgers University President Richard McCormick who kicked them off of his campus last year. American universities should not lend their campuses to groups that endorse suicide bombing and violence as a means of addressing political questions.
Please go to this website to sign the petition and link this post in an email to all your friends.
We can not afford to be silent.