From Israel National News:
According to a report by Palestinian Media Watch, Hamas Palestinian Authority Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti lied about removing a Micky Mouse preaching global Jihad from PA TV.
The Micky Mouse look-alike, named Farfur, regularly appeared on PA’s Al-Aksa TV station until last week, when Arutz-7 published a Palestinian Media Watch report on the Islamist mouse, reprinted around the globe and drawing condemnations from politicians as well as members of Walt Disney’s family.
PA Minister of Information Mustafa Barghouti issued a public statement that the show would be taken off the Hamas TV network until it could be reviewed. His commitment was reported worldwide, but Farfur appeared Friday on his regularly scheduled “Tomorrow’s Pioneers” program, preaching global domination of Islam.
Farfur was joined by a young girl names Saraa, as well as Hazim, an adult “who delivered most of the show’s messages about Islamic supremacy,” according to PMW.
Hazim told the viewers of the children’s television show that Islam will spread all over the world, “including Spain,” and that the spread of Islam is for the world’s benefit. He said the “massacres in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine will be replaced by love and justice under Islamic rule.”
“It appears from today’s broadcast that the Hamas or PA officials who oversaw today’s show were concerned only with neutralizing the dialogue spoken by the Mickey Mouse character, Farfur, and not with moderating the show’s content,” PMW’s Itamar Marcus and Barbra Crook said. “It is as if they decided that the show’s messages, which also promote hatred of Israel and the US, are completely acceptable – as long as the more inflammatory comments are not coming from the knockoff of Disney’s beloved mouse.”
A selection of PMW’s translation of Friday’s dialogue:
Hazim (Adult): Islam will spread to all parts of the earth from one end to the other and justice and good and kindness will spread. Did history witness a time period better than that when Islam ruled?…
Saraa: You beloved kids will be the ones who shall restore the glory and the culture of the [Islamic] Nation.
Hazim (Adult): Every day do you remember Andalus (Spain)? This dear Andalus will return one day.
Hazim (Adult): Do you remember Baghdad?… Baghdad which cries out in pain in these times… we shall return … we the Muslims shall return as we used to be…
Farfur: “1000 blessings of Islam, blessings of the resident of Garden [of Eden]…”
Hazim (Adult): “The honor of Islam will return through knowledge.”
Girl call in: chants song:
“Oh Jerusalem we are coming,
Oh Jerusalem it is the time of death.
Oh Jerusalem we will never surrender to the enemy
And we will never be humiliated.
It is beloved Palestine that taught us what to be.”Girl call in: “I want to be a preacher to spread Islam in the world…”
Hazim (Adult): “We will spread Islam because people don’t realize it is the religion of love and good and peace.”Du’aa calls in: “I am the Palestinian child…
Hazim (Adult): “There is also the Iraq child if you saw him who is being murdered… and on the news yesterday we saw the fetus who was killed… and what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan and Palestine and a while ago in Lebanon – the situation is very very bad…. But a day will come and Islam will rule the world and there will be justice love and peace and all people will love each other….
[Group talks about massacres in Iraq Palestine and Lebanon]Hazim (Adult): “When Islam will rule love and justice will prevail for sure.”…
Hazim (Adult): Ask history and ask the Jews did they ever live in a time period better then the one they live under Islam. And ask the Christians how their security was assured in the churches and monasteries.
[Farfur is disciplined for copying in school]Farfur: [Crying loudly explains]: “Because the Jews destroyed my home. When my home was destroyed I couldn’t find my notebook.
What detestable mendacity.