Excerpted from WND:
Is there an anti-Semitic programming troublemaker at Google? Is some nitwit just making ghastly and inappropriate decisions about search suggestions? Or is the whole multi-gazillion- dollar business running on auto-pilot?
Those were some of the questions going through the minds of the search giant’s users today as they discovered a query for “Yiddish” images suggested “Also try zyklon b” – the insidious gas used to kill Jews in Nazi death camps.
Spokesmen for Google were not available in response to calls and e-mails from WND.
But the latest outrage from Google has some Internet users wondering what’s up with a disturbing pattern of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli policies.
As WND reported last month, an Israeli town is suing Google after surprised municipal officials discovered Google Earth, the popular,user-driven satellite map, labels their city as stolen palestinian land.”
[The label] is simply complete nonsense,” Yossi Ben-Artzi, a history professor at Israel’s Haifa University told Yediot Ahronot, Israel’s leading daily.“Kiryat Yam was built on sand dunes, and there wasn’t any palestinian village in the area. The lands were bought in 1939 by the Gav Yam construction company.”
The professor was responding to a criminal complaint filed by the northern Israeli coastal town of Kiryat Yam, which a Google Earth user mapped as stolen by Jews when Israel was founded in 1948.The Google Earth user, identified as palestinian physician Thameen Darby, inserted a note on the map saying Kiryat Yam was built in 1948 at the location of a former Arab town called Ghawarina. Ghawarina, though, is widely thought to be about 10 miles south ofKiryat Yat, in an Arab village currently named Jisr el-Zarka.