
Maryland historian links roots of radical Islam with Nazi propaganda

No doubt. Mohammedans were firmly in love with Hitler, so much so, that 20,000 Muslims volunteered to fight in the Muslim S.S. division named the Handzar” (scimitar) division, which was brutal in the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian regions in eastern Bosnia. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin el Husseini, in addition to the carnage he engineered against Jews during the murderous campaign against them in 1920, 1929 and 1936, willfully planned, assembled, organized, and killed Jews in Hungary and Croatia with the assistance of those 20,000 Muslims during World War II with Hitler’s assistance. Via JPost:

“A confluence of Nazi anti-Semitism and Muslim fundamentalism did take place during the war which was a mixture of ideological affinity and shared political interests,” said Prof. Jeffrey Herf of the University of Maryland during a recent lecture at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism.”Though Nazi Germany failed in its military and propaganda advances in the Middle East, the ideas it conveyed to the Arabs found adherence,” Herf said, pointing to the charter of Hamas, which was established in 1987 and grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeated calls for the destruction of Israel.Herf, whose forthcoming book deals with Nazi Germany’s propaganda aimed at the Middle East, said that while Islamic extremism could have emerged without Nazism it played an important role in its development.