Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

The Future of Denial by Deborah E. Lipstadt


“Many people worry that without the survivors, there will not be enough evidence to “prove” what happened at Auschwitz. When I was compelled to defend myself against charges of libel brought by Holocaust denier David Irving, without relying on survivors as witnesses, we amassed a massive cache of documentary, testimonial, and material evidence about Auschwitz. Judge Charles Gray of the UK High Court of Justice said the evidence conclusively demonstrated that Irving’s claims that Auschwitz-Birkenau was not a death camp fell far short of the standard to be expected of a conscientious historian. Gray concluded that “no objective, fair-minded historian would have serious cause to doubt” the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz. The four different judges who heard Irving’s appeals agreed.”

The Future of Denial

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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