What we already knew. More compelling evidence on the Mohammed al-Dura hoax. From French Ballistics Expert in al-Dura Libel Case: Gaza Child Wasn’t Killed by Israeli Gunfire:
A report presented to a French court last week by independent ballistics expert Jean-Claude Schlinger maintains that the death of Mohammed al-Dura, a Palestinian child shot in Gaza on the first day of the intifada in September 2000, could not have been the result of Israeli gunfire, corroborating claims that the footage shown on France 2 television was doctored. Schlinger wrote, “If Jamal [the boy’s father] and Mohammed al-Dura were indeed struck by shots, then they could not have come from the Israeli position, from a technical point of view, but only from the direction of the Palestinian position.” Schlinger has served as an adviser on ballistic and forensic evidence in French courts for 20 years.