Straight out of the snout of the Muslim enemy, from the website of Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades [the armed branch of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)] Information Office, September 13th, 2007. (www[dot]alqassam[dot]ps/english/?action=showsta&sid=602):
Military Communique
Aggression on Gaza will fall down Olmert.. the Zionist army would receive heavy losses
In Ramadan month; The month of victories and conquests, We send congratulations and greetings to the Mujahideen and to the Palestinian resistance men.
The Zionist enemy is used to prepare more crimes and aggression in the month of mercy. The criminal Olmert , his government and his weak and the defeated army are preparing to execute wide invasions in the Gaza Strip.
We are witnessing this gather on the borders of the Zionist sector and the
willingness of the aggression during the large conspiracy, internal, external and Arab silence.We are in Al-Qassam Brigades prepared a defense plan on Gaza Strip. Olmert must getting ready to face a “Vinograd II” committee, after leaving the Gaza Strip.
This aggression will open the door for new options which have not calculated by the Zionist entity. We completed our preparations to face the Zionist enemy.
In light of the Zionist aggression on our people, we declare a state of full alert in Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades for launching the defense plan from the Gaza Strip with the first step the Zionist enemy executed the aggression.
We assure to our people that we are going to teach the Zionist occupation a harsh lesson. We will not stand idle during the aggression on our land and our people. The Zionist occupation will pay expensive price and are ready to sacrifice with our lives for our nation and our just case ..
Our prisoners, who wait for the exchange deal with the Zionist soldier “Gilead Shalit” to be completed. We promise you that if the Zionist enemy tried to enter Gaza strip, we are promising that there will be new friends for “Shalit”. We are greeting the prisoners in this month.
Our message to the Arab and Islamic nation … We speak to you from the heart of the unjust embargo against the Gaza Strip, which planned and carried out by the involvement of international , regional and internal sides. It is an open war; all methods used during this wars weapons, materiel, the fifth column, siege and starvation and attempting to topple the legitimacy.
We are assuring here that the embargo is going to be ended by the Islamic project and the resistance. We call upon the Arab and Islamic people to stand by the Islamic resistance project. The Gaza Strip, which has witnessed battles with the Zionist occupation , is worth to be supported.
In conclusion … we promise our people and our nation to remain loyal to the martyrs, prisoners and injured; and will crush the dreams of the Zionist enemy to raid Gaza Strip.