Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

The fabricated “ancient” palestinian history


In 1948, five Arab armies attacked the newborn legitimate and sovereign State of Israel. Transjordan annexed the area intended for an Arab state, and renamed itself the Kingdom of Jordan, calling the annexed area the “West Bank”. At the same time, Egypt took over Gaza.

No Arab suggested making the West Bank and/or Gaza into an Arab state until 1967, when Israel was again attacked by the Arabs and in defense, took those areas.

From 1948-67 when all of the “West Bank” (including Jerusalem) ended up under Arab [Jordanian] control, no effort was ever made to create a palestinian state for the Arabs living there, nor were their attempts by the “poor palestinian people” to wrangle their “homeland” back from Jordan.

It is curious how Arafat and his PLO (formed in 1964, three years BEFORE Israel was attacked by Arabs and therefore incapable of “occupying” any “palestinian” land) discovered their fabricated “ancient” identity and a need for “self-determination” and “human dignity” on this very same “West Bank” only AFTER Israel regained this territory (three years later in 1967) following Jordan’s attempt to destroy Israel.

Why was no request ever made upon King Hussein of Jordan who “occupied” the West Bank for all those years?

Is it logical that the PLO was formed in 1964 to regain the lands they would lose three years later in 1967?

This sort of logic makes sense only to those who who have not learned that the PLO was formed to DESTROY Israel.

The destruction of Israel was Arafat’s goal. He failed. Arafat, the Egyptian, failed to destroy Israel and now his diseased body is rotting in a cement tomb, along with his mildewing soul.

Arafat was born in Cairo, folks.

His father, Abd al Ra’uf Arafat Al-Qadwa, was the son of a well-known family from Gaza and nearby Khan-Yunis, who had married Zahava Abu-Sa’ud from Jerusalem. In 1927, the couple had emigrated from Jewish Palestine and settled in Egypt. Two years later their son Yasser was born. When Yasser was three, his mother died and his father sent him to spend some time with his mother’s family in Jerusalem. During the 1930s, Yasser lived alternately in Jerusalem and in Gaza, and after his father remarried, his family sent him back to Cairo, where he spent the rest of his youth.

Many arabs who volunteered to serve the pLO immediately after the Six-Day War noted that their barbaric leader, Arafat, spoke Arabic with an Egyptian accent.

Arabs from Middle Eastern countries can easily recognize the country of origin of any other arab they meet by his accent – and here the man who claimed to be a warrior representing and leading the “palestinian people” spoke with an Egyptian accent.

That’s right, folks. Everything you’ve read about the palestinians is fabricated, embellished, tricked up, falsified and exaggerated.

There is no “palestinian land.” It is only the constant repetition that makes people believe that the “West Bank” belongs to the “Palestinians.” Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”) is part of the Jewish homeland. Any land that Israel might eventually yield to the Arabs to establish some kind of autonomy would be an act of generosity and accommodation unprecedented in world history.

Because unlike the political Arabian Nation, the Zionist movement to Palestine/the Land of Israel represents a return, not an invasion.

But let’s face it, folks, it’s all academic: no one’s going anywhere, so get used to it: Israel is here to stay.

cross-posted on Divest from “Palestine”

Keyword(s): facts and logic; “ancient” palestinian history; Muslim mythology; Arafat; ma fish falastin

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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