Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Easy way to help Sderot: Challa for Shabbat


received by email from Lynn B.:

Standing Together is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Israeli soldiers on active duty. Being totally funded by donations from Jews throughout the world, Standing Together acts as a bridge between Israel and other Jewish communities, creating a feeling of unity and support.

Standing Together ‘s activities over the last three years have brought much happiness to thousands of Israeli soldiers, who never imagined that a Jew overseas was concerned for their welfare. Now is the time for you to join us and become a part of the Standing Together family, so that we can truly Stand Together.

Standing Together‘s latest project is a campaign urging people in Israel to buy challah from Sderot bakeries, which are in danger of going out of business. See details below and at their website. You can email them at for more information.

Last week a campaign was started to buy challa from Sderot bakeries. They got over 1600 orders.

This is the deal:

– Two challot plus half kilo cookies: NS 25
– Two challot plus half kilo rogelach: NS 25

– Two challot (70% whole wheat) plus half kilo cookies: NS 26
– Two challot (70% whole wheat) plus half kilo rogelach: NS 26

Last week’s challot were much bigger than the standard size.
Kashrut: Mehadrin

Orders and payment: You have to give me the order and payment by Thurs afternoon.
Pick-up: From my place on Friday afternoon — Tchernichovsky 4 on the corner of Herzog.

Exact time of pick-up to follow.

The organisation doing this has a web site: In the next few days they hope to have an on-line order form.

PS This same organisation is teaming up with Yad Eliezer, an organisation that delivers food packages to the needy. They will give donations to YadEliezer and Yad Eliezer will then send a truck to Sderot and buy the foodfrom a makolet in Sderot. By donating in this way you are helping both Yad Eleizer and a Sderot makolet. Suggested donation NS 25 but obviously any amount is fine.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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Join us here at Smooth Stone along with other people of good conscience and put an end to the brutal terror of the Palestinian Authority complicit in the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Jews from their homeland of Israel.

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