Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Do Moslems, Christians & Jews Believe in the Same God?


Do Moslems, Christians & Jews Believe in the Same God?

In a word, no.

One of the clichés endlessly repeated by those who would conceal the dangerous potentialities inherent in Islam is that Moslems “believe in the same God” as Christians and Jews. But this is a severe distortion of the truth, for what Moslems fundamentally believe is that they know the true nature of the God that Judaism and Christianity tell lies about. Lies for which Christians and Jews will be punished in hell. The fact that Moslems share Levantine monotheism with us thus makes them more, not less, antagonistic to us on a religious level. Hopes for reconciliation on the grounds of common monotheism, as opposed to a realistic “good fences make good neighbors” civilizational détente, are wishful thinking.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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