Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Court sanctioned homicide by Judge Greer and George Felos


Terri Schiavo can live until March 18, 2005. The pro-death advocates in this country have destroyed Terri Schiavo and her family. And the rest of us who are grieving with the Schiavos.

From ProLifeBlogs:

Judge Greer has given Terri Schiavo another three weeks. Here is the final paragraph of his order:

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that absent a stay from the appellate courts, the guardian,
MICHAEL SCHIAVO, shall cuae the removal of nutrition and hydration from the
ward, THERESA SCHIAVO, at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 2005.

Judge Orders Florida Woman’s Feeding Tube Removed
“We’re happy that we have at least three weeks until they kill Terri [Schiavo]. We’re unhappy that we don’t have much time” for more legal maneuvers, said her father, Bob Schindler. – CNN

Also from ProLifeBlogs:

Marriage Vows Don’t Include Starvation

George Felos, the “right-to-die” attorney representing Schiavo told Florida Baptist Witness his client “deeply loves Terri” and cares about her despite cohabitating openly with his fiancée, Jodi Centonze, since 1995. The couple now have two children together.

“He simply is not going to walk away from that promise he made to [Terri] when she said, ‘Honey, don’t keep me alive like that,’” said Felos, describing statements made to a guardianship judge after winning a $1.3 million malpractice settlement for his wife’s care.

Continue reading “Marriage Vows Don’t Include Starvation”

Judge Greer and Attorney Felos, I hope that one day you both will have feeding tubes and I hope that your families will suffer with the same terror, fear, and horror, that you both have made the Schiavo family suffer. May G-d Almighty punish you for your indefensible inhumane crimes against Terri Schiavo and her loved ones.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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