Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

A city council candidate advocates killing the president. Shouldn’t he get arrested?


A Ventura County City Council candidate who once brought a hatchet to a Planning Commission meeting got the attention of Secret Service agents because he distributed fliers advocating the assassination of President Bush.

Daniel Avila, 25, admitted Wednesday that he handed out fliers at the city’s Oktoberfest celebration stating, “President George W. Bush Deserves to Be Assassinated.” The handbill also called for a sex attack on the president’s twin daughters.

Authorities have been in contact with the Secret Service as they monitor the council candidate, who is an information technology specialist and a 20-year resident of the Newbury Park area.

Avila first got the attention of authorities when he showed up wielding a hatchet at a July 26 meeting of the Planning Commission. A sheriff’s sergeant regularly attends the meeting.

“He’s running for City Council,” Masry said. “We have a situation where these council meetings can proceed without any fear of somebody doing something irrational. Advocating killing Bush and raping his daughters is irrational.”

Asked if he has ever committed a violent act, Avila said he has not.

“But if I did, I wouldn’t be honest about it,” he said.

Why is this man still walking freely?

A city council candidate advocates killing the president. Shouldn’t he get arrested?

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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