Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

A Christian-Free Holy Land


An update of Islam’s most recent contributions to civilization. An excerpt from The Jihad: We’re All in This Together:

In Indonesia, three Christian schoolgirls were beheaded.

In Iraq, a Syrian Orthodox priest was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered.

In Somalia, a nun was shot to death as she left the hospital where she worked, tending the sick and dying.

In Lebanon, just days ago, a cabinet minister was assassinated.

In Britain, authorities uncovered a conspiracy in which native-born Brits plotted to blow up several trans-Atlantic flights, killing as many as 3,000.

In Afghanistan, suicide bombers are at work again.

In Iraq, they never stopped. Additionally, the week before last, a group of worshippers were abducted from a mosque, doused with gasoline and burned to death in what’s described as “sectarian violence.”

In France, a high school philosophy teacher is in hiding after very credible death threats following publication of a September 19th commentary in Le Figaro.

Some 139 people died in riots in Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan, and Afghanistan – following the publication of Danish cartoons.

Europe is experiencing the worst wave of anti-Semitic violence since Kristallnacht. The former director of the U.S. Holocaust Museum reports there an average of 12 assaults a day on Jews in Paris.

In Kosovo, 90 percent of Serbs gave been ethnically cleansed from the province since 1999. The rest live in a state of siege.

In Mumbai, India, a series of blasts killed almost 200.

In Gaza, terrorists recently celebrated the latest “ceasefire” by raining more rockets on southern Israel.

And the leader of more than a billion Catholics received death threats and demands that he convert after giving a speech in which he called for a balance of faith and reason, and quoted a 14th century Byzantine emperor.

What do the foregoing have in common?

To quote columnist Mark Steyn, in his excellent book America Alone: The End of The World As We Know It, it begins with an “I” and ends with a “slam.”

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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