
Children are Combatants in PA Ideology

Short indoctrination clips and music videos for children, promoting violence as an ideal that is expected of them, are broadcast daily on Palestinian Authority TV, ( PATV ), often for several hours a day. Here’s an example:

Talking Chick Promotes Massacre with AK-47:

On a children’s program discussing the importance of trees, “Tarabisho” – the Talking Chick — was the center of the discussion. The child moderator asked the talking chick what he would do if someone, specifically a “little boy,” were to chop down his tree. In his squeaky little voice, Tarabisho answered: “I’ll fight him and make a big riot, I’ll call the whole world and make a riot. I’ll bring AK-47s [assault rifles] and the whole world, I’ll commit a massacre in front of the house”. [PA TV: Oct. 22, 2004]

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With gratitude to Palestinian Media Watch