Child killer publicly honored by PA
The Palestinian Arab leadership sanctioned by the Bush administration and leaders of most of the world’s gentile nations convened a special celebration on Friday to honor a man who last year murdered a Jewish woman and her two little boys in cold blood.
According to The Jerusalem Post Sunday, PLO leader Yasser Arafat was officially represented at the rally in Tulkarm held to pay tribute to Sirhan Sirhan, 40 days after the IDF tracked down and shot the killer dead.
Hundreds of Palestinian Arabs representing a ‘nation’ in numerous recent surveys remain overwhelmingly supportive of the mass murder of Jewish civilians, rallied in the Samarian town, where speakers took turns praising Sirhan as “struggler and martyr.”
Sirhan attacked Kibbutz Metzer in the Jordan Valley in 2002, killing Revital Ohayon, 34, and her sons Matan, 5, and Noam, 4, inside their home. He also managed to kill two other Jews before fleeing the community.
Two months ago, an Israeli undercover force tracked down Sirhan and shot him dead.
Arafat’s official representative to the gathering, Tulkarm mayor Izz al-Din al-Sharif, lauded Sirhan’s murderous deeds before the mob and conveyed Arafat’s personal condolences to Sirhan’s family, reports the Post.
Various terror groups that act with impunity in the areas under Arafat’s control were reportedly represented in the crowd.
Recent reports out of the PA area indicate these groups are willing to enter into a ceasefire with Israel.
Despite speeches by some of these organizations’ spokesmen in support of a hudna, a spokesman for Arafat’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades told the crowd the violent “struggle” against the Israeli occupation would continue.
US Secretary of State Colin Powell has for months been urging Israel to reengage this terrorism-supporting Palestinian Authority in negotiations aimed at bringing about the creation of a Palestinian state in the biblical heartland of Israel by 2005, G-d forbid.
President George W. Bush is personally committed to the establishment of this state, which he has repeatedly described as the goal of his personal vision for the Middle East.
While it has cooled in recent months, America’s support for the PA has not faded, despite the substantial amount of reportedly conclusive evidence linking senior PA officials, including master terrorist Yasser Arafat, with the ongoing and unrelenting massacres of Jews in Israel’s buses and public places.
The United States is by all accounts unwilling to jeopardize what “success” the peace process has achieved in the past years, even at the expense of more Jewish lives.