Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

CategoryWorld War II

Polish Nun, who rescued Jews during the Holocaust, dies at 110

Righteous Gentiles.  Via AP: Officials in Poland say that a 110-year-old woman believed to be the world’s oldest nun and a rescuer of Jews during the Holocaust, has died. Father Pawel Rytel-Andrianik, spokesman for Poland’s Roman Catholic Church, on Thursday confirmed the death of Sister Cecylia Roszak last week at a Dominican convent in Krakow. He described her as “probably the oldest nun in the...

Kristillnact, 1938

Munich, September 1938. What happened? Britain and France generously donated a big slice of Czechoslovakia to Hitler, in exchange for “peace with honor,” “peace in our time”. What followed? Kristillnacht – in November of 1938. What caused Kristillnact besides the irrational hatred of Jews? Appeasement. Appeasement doesn’t merely fail to prevent catastrophe, it...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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