Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Supreme Moslem Council: Temple Mount is Jewish

by Hillel Fendel Originally published: September 3, 2008, Israel National News Archived on Wayback Machine: ( The widely-disseminated Arab Moslem position that the Temple Mount is not Jewish has been debunked – by the Supreme Moslem Council (Waqf) of Jerusalem, in a Temple Mount guide published in 1925. Wakf guidebook, 1925, coverThe Temple Institute Guidebook Puts the Lie to...

Statements by Radical Muslims calling for the destruction of Israel (and its ally the United States)

Statements by Radical Muslims calling for the destruction of Israel (and its ally the United States) By Discover The Networks (January 2007) Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, President of Iran “The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land.” “As the Imam [Ayatollah Khomeini] said, Israel must be...

New Waqf Council Managing the Temple Mount

Original Post from JCPA: The latest confrontation over the Mercy Gate (Golden Gate, or in Hebrew, Shaar HaRachamim), which has been disputed in the past, reflects a new pact between the opponents of Trump’s “Deal of the Century” consisting of the Palestinian Authority, Turkey, and Jordan, which is concerned about its future status on the Temple Mount. The focus of new tensions on the Temple Mount...

Arab Authorities Abuse Their Authority on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount

Reprinted from Facts and Logic in the ME (FLAME) “Last week, Jordan took the dramatic step of significantly increasing Palestinian Arab control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. As a result, the anti-Semitic policies and anti-Israel activities on the Temple Mount are likely to intensify—if that is even possible. The Temple Mount was the site of both Solomon’s and Herod’s temples, which were...

Solomon’s Temple-Era Artifacts Found for First Time on Temple Mount

Originally posted on Bridges for Peace: November 4, 2016 Volunteer groups sifting material from the Temple Mount in the Emek Tzurim National Park Friday, 04 November 2016 | Artifacts including tiny shards of clay and bone from the time of Solomon’s Temple were unearthed for the first time on the Temple Mount, Israeli archaeologists revealed on Thursday. The discoveries, which include “olive pits...

The Palestine Post, Sunday May 16, 1948

The Palestinian Arabs and the Palestinian Jews were both residents of the Mandate of Palestine, from which the term “Palestinian” comes from. Palestinian Arabs have no absolute, natural right to self-determination of their own country without the reciprocal absolute natural right of the Palestinian Jew. The Palestinian Jew has the right to veto such “rights” of the...

Come to Palestine

We are not ignorant about our Jewish history. The Arab Palestinians in 1948 are not the original citizens in the land, not by a long shot. In 1948 and in decades prior, just as Arabs were immigrating, so too were Jews. However, the Jews are indigenous to the land and were the first to build a true civilization in the region that could be measured by any historical or archaeological standard...

Israeli Archeologist Finds Artifacts from Time of Solomon’s Temple

Via Canadian Jewish News: Yuval Baruch, Jerusalem’s district archeologist at the Israel Antiquities Authority, made archeological history in October 2007 when he uncovered pottery artifacts on the site of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount dating from the time of King Solomon’s Temple (the First Jewish Temple). “The Muslim Waqf does not allow Israeli archeologists to conduct any...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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