Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

CategoryMumbai Massacre

Mumbai Killers Sexually Mutilated Their Victims

Islamic terrorists mutilated Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife’s genitalia before killing them, according to a senior officer of the investigating team. Similar horrors were inflicted on foreign guests at the Taj Hotel. Via GatewayPundit: The Mumbai terrorists sexually humiliated their victims in the Taj before killing them. Even the Rabbi and his wife at Nariman House were sexually assaulted and...

Lashkar-e-Taiba Said Behind Mumbai Terror Attacks

Although it is imperative and of the utmost importance to identify and pursue muslim terror cells and destroy them, the de-compartmentalization of them into tiny minority sub-groups dilutes the magnitude and horror of Islamic global imperialism and its monumental and catastrophic threat against the civilized world. h/t Daily Alert. Via JPost: Suspicions in the devastating Mumbai terror attacks...

The Spin Begins on Who is Behind Mumbai’s Terrorist Attacks

And so the spin and damage control begins and Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, is leading the campaign. Even though the murdered are not yet buried and the total number of murdered are not yet tallied, Fareed Zakaria has written the following about the Islamic terror attack in Mumbai in this week’s Newsweek. He blames the attack on poverty.  But being a practicing Muslim himself...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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