Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel


Get Ready for More Pallywood Photos from the Arab-loving Media

Hamas is a cockroach group of baby killers that have reaped what they have sown.  Let Israel with all its might clean out the cockroaches once and for all time.  And just like cockroaches, as People’s Cube wrote of the growing trend at Reuters, BBC, and other progressive media to doctor photographs, stage events, and use choreographed footage in the best Pallywood traditions of “poor...

More Islamist Rage at the Holy Jewish Temple Mount

The more one thinks about it, the more convincing is that Muslims want a global bloody war.  For Islamists, the rule is “whatever the traffic will bear” and everyone puts up with it.  Islamists seize their opportunities, test their foes, and probe their weak spots. Pay close attention to the Media’s pernicious usage of the terms: “disputed holy site” and...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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