Originally published Wayback Machine Muslim persecution of Christians is widespread. Particularly despised are former Muslims who converted to Christianity, for they stand in violation of traditional Islamic Law’s injunction against apostasy. According to all contemporary schools of Islamic jurisprudence, that is a crime punishable by death, in accordance with the Prophet Muhammad’s command: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.” Islamic Law mandates that Christians be subjected to a second-class status requiring them to pay a special tax (jizya) from which Muslims are exempt. Christians are notpermitted to hold any kind of authority over Muslims; are forbidden to build new churches or to repair old ones; and must submit to various other humiliating and
Read More +Originally Posted: 07 Sep 2008 11:22 AM CDT Christians in crisis. Via Compass: Muslim extremists on Sunday (Aug. 31) set ablaze a church building in the Baboko area of this city in central Nigeria’s Kwara state. The Rev. Samuel Ogowole told Compass that the extremists barred members of his Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) from getting to the building on Sunday, and the Town Planning Development Authority had sealed off the premises following pressure from area Muslims. The congregation had gone to a site on the outskirts of the city for worship when the Muslim extremists destroyed the church building, a
Read More +Egypt: Christians and Muslims riot in village Posted by smoothstone h/t Jihad Watch: According to this story, a Christian was shot dead; also, the reason given for this latest “sectarian” clash was that a Christian woman was selling property to a Muslim. According to this more updated report, however, the real reason is that Muslim men were sexually harassing a Christian woman — an increasingly popular pastime in Egypt. “Christians, Muslims riot in Egyptian village,” from the Associated Press: CAIRO, Egypt: Egyptian officials say police have fired tear gas to quell clashes between Christians and Muslims in a southern village.A
Read More +This is indeed a sad story but it should be noted that this British rag of a paper, the Independent/UK, never uses the word “sad” when Jews are killed by Muslim savages. Via British rag: “It is a sad fact, but it remains a fact, that a lot of Christians are leaving,” says Victor Batarseh, the Christian mayor of Bethlehem. One charge is that Muslims have been taking over Christian lands with the Palestinian authorities turning a blind eye. Yusuf Nassir, 57, is looking for a way to emigrate. “My house was attacked [by Muslims] over nothing. There was a
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