This article was inspired by a Muslim Arab who considers himself to be Palestinian. He first challenged some data in the following article:
The Arabs in the Holy Land – Natives or Aliens?
Migron Sentenced to Destruction in Six Months
The Jewish town of Migron, mentioned in the 5,000 year old Jewish holy book in Samuel 1 14,2 and in Isaiah 10,28 is to be forcibly evacuated of all of its Jewisch citizens, by the left wing Jew-haters "Peace Now" in order to make room for the thieves and barbarians of Arabia, so that it can turn into another sh'aria sh*thole the same way that Gaza has.
Disputed Jerusalem Neighborhood Built on Jewish Land
Jewish land bought and paid for. From Disputed Jerusalem Neighborhood Built on Jewish Land: Israel’s Ministry of Construction and Housing this week invited contractors to bid on a contract to build 307 new housing units in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Homa. Har Homa is a neighborhood inside the Jerusalem city limits, at the edge of PA-controlled Bethlehem, that has more than...
An encyclopedia vs. the Bible
This post is a response to someone who holds that the proof which he concludes that the Palestinian Arabs have had their land stolen by Israel, can be found in a map in an encyclopedia under “Palestine”. Well, sir, evidently there is confusion and lack of knowledge of the Jewish biblical and modern historical connections to Palestine. I have a book called the Bible. There are no...