The United Nations, once again, over steps its boundaries and targets 35 states in the USA for laws prohibiting discrimination against Israel. Via Fox News: UN Report Targets 35 U.S. States over Laws Banning Anti-Israel Bias The UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Thursday issued a new report that attacked rights of U.S. states to pass legislation banning discrimination against Israel via boycotts...
Spanish university cancels ‘Auschwitz/Gaza’ seminar comparing Holocaust to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
More judaeophobia from Spain, the medieval Catholic country that threw out and exiled all of its Jewish citizens. From JTA: “After taking criticism from several Holocaust scholars and Jewish organizations, a Spanish university has canceled a course titled “Auschwitz/Gaza: A Testing Ground for Comparative Literature,” according to the European Jewish Congress. The course at the University...
Actor Lakeith Stanfield moderated a Clubhouse room full of anti-Semitism
Via JTA News: Oscar-nominated actor Lakeith Stanfield co-moderated a room on the audio app Clubhouse in which participants made a slew of antisemitic remarks, The Daily Beast reported Friday. The room in question had split off from another one on that was shut down on Wednesday night titled “Did Min. Farrakhan Tarnish His Legacy By Being Antisemitic?” The subsequent one was titled “Someone Ended...
White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says
Via ABC News: Racist extremist groups, including neo-Nazis and other white supremacists, are encouraging members who contract novel coronavirus disease to spread the contagion to cops and Jews, according to intelligence gathered by the FBI. The FBI alert, which went out on March 19, 2020, told local police agencies that extremists want their followers to try to use spray bottles to spread bodily...
Beto O’Rourke and 69 House Dems Sign Letter to Fund Hamas
Via FrontPageMag: Rep. Mark Pocan (D., Wis.) has been identified as the anonymous member of Congress who reserved official Capitol Hill space for an anti-Israel forum that is being organized by several organizations that support boycotts of the Jewish state, according to congressional sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon. Pocan had also met with a member of a notorious terrorist group...
Deconstructing Apartheid Accusations Against Israel
From Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs: The historical context of the Jewish-Arab conflict in the Middle East is fundamentally different from that between the whites’ Afrikaner ideology of apartheid and the blacks in South Africa. The latter was a system of discrimination and inequality based upon racial criteria; a system of domination by a minority over a majority and refusal to negotiate a...