Official Barack Obama’s official campaign website: Jews should be “burned” and “thrown in the oven.”


Via WND: Obama site: Jews must be ‘burned’ Posted By Aaron Klein On 08/05/2008 Obama site: Jews must be ‘burned’ JERUSALEM – Jews should be “burned” and “thrown in the oven.” Israel murdered 6 million Arabs. Jews control American politics and dictate decisions of war and peace. The Jewish state is leading a “Holocaust” against the Palestinian people and was responsible for 9/11. The above are just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda that can be found on user-generated pages on Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign website, which allows registered members to form groups

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This site is best viewed with FireFox


Yesterday my blog was a victim of Google’s SpamBot going out of control, today, it’s a victim of Sitemeter combined with Internet Explorer. If you are having trouble seeing this site using Internet Explorer 7.0, so are thousands of other people who visit sites that use SiteMeter on their blogs. I use the FireFox 3.0 Browser and this site renders FAST and QUICK without any errors. There’s no waiting or pausing for any of the sidebar widgets to load because the site just loads the way sites were meant to load. The FireFox 3.0 Browser download is just a dash

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More reasons to say NObama


Received by email from From Richmond Times-Dispatch, Monday, July 7, 2008: Dear Editor, “Times-Dispatch”, Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I celebrate my independence day, and on July 4 I celebrate America ‘s. This year is special, because it marks the 40th anniversary of my independence. On June 30, 1968, I escaped Communist Cuba , and a few months later, I was in the United States to stay. That I happened to arrive in Richmond on Thanksgiving Day is just part of the story, but I digress. I’ve thought a lot about the anniversary

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American flag disappears from Obama campaign jet


Once again, Barack Hussein Obama refuses to display the American flag. The U.S. flag no longer appears on the tail of the plane that will be used by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama (Courtesy Chicago Sun-Times). Via WND: As part of a month-long aircraft makeover, a painted American flag was removed from the tail of Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign airplane and was replaced with the presidential candidate’s trademark “O” symbol. Obama is just following in his Muslim ancestry’s footsteps. Muslims claim to have invented the number zero. Barack Hussein Obama’s trademark is the “O” symbol. It’s a perfect

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The Real Barack Obama – Just Say NObama


The latest links on the real Barack Hussein Obama, written by authors and visionaries who are kind enough to warn the rest of us when the wool is being pulled over our eyes. Via The Real Barack Obama – HotList 07/11/08: “We have now seen enough of Barack Obama’s campaign to get an idea of his remarkably agile strategic plan. Mr. Obama bills himself as the candidate of ‘change and hope’ — and change is a key component in his plan, if by change we mean radical political flexibility characterized by dramatic shifts in fundamental policy, or quickly substituting today’s

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Ahmadinejad Calls for U.S. Bases to be “Eradicated”


The real son of apes and pigs, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is oiling his Muslim War Machine. Iran has test-fired nine long- and medium-range missiles, including a Shahab 3, which it previously said could reach Israel and U.S. bases in the region, and yesterday, the stupid ape called for U.S. military bases across the world to be “eradicated.” “The military bases in the whole world should be eradicated and removed,” he told a press conference after a summit of the “D8” group of developing nations in Malaysia. Somebody better crush Mahmoud Ahmadinejad soon. One of the obstacles in accomplishing this will be

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What Are the “Netroots”?


A look at the influential alliance of leftist bloggers seeking to help Democratic candidates nationwide win political elections. From A blend of the words “Internet” and “grassroots,” the term “Netroots” refers to the coordinated activism of the political Left via blogs, podcasts, newsletters, message forums, and other online media. These bloggers, etc. fervently support Democratic Party candidates for public office and in many cases work for them directly. Seeking to “utiliz[e] the [I]nternet to empower an electoral campaign through a variety of mediums that go beyond the standard website,” Netroots’ threefold mission is to “increase voter awareness”; “win undecided

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