Once again, CAIR is blackmailing someone for speaking the truth. This time its the great columnist Cal Thomas. But CAIR is the one that should be brought down to its knees.
CAIR, since its inception in 1994, had lost four of its officials, all linked to al-Qaeda and/or Hamas, all of which who’ve been either convicted or deported for their crimes. One of its national advisory board members, Siraj Wahhaj, is on the list of potential co-conspirators to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Just prior to 9/11, CAIR had solicited funds for two terrorist charities related to Al-Qaeda and Hamas, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development and the Global Relief Foundation, both shut down after 9/11.
CAIR’s Executive Director, Nihad Awad, in March of 1994, publicly stated his support for Hamas, saying that “after I researched the situation inside and outside Palestine, I am in support of the Hamas movement…”.
CAIR has also criticized the prosecution of the spiritual leader of the ’93 bombing, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, listing the trial as an “incident of anti-Muslim bias and violence”.
I’ve written in the past that CAIR was created by a front for overseas terrorist organizations called the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), whose founders include the number two leader in Hamas today, Mousa Abu Marzook, and the former North American head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Sami Al-Arian. This front, the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), had been found liable for the murder of a young American boy, David Boim, whose life was taken during a Hamas terror operation in Israel.
CAIR is currently the defendant in a lawsuit charging that the group played a role in the murder of former chief of the FBI’s counter-terrorism section, John O’Neill, on September 11th. Steven Pomerantz, former FBI assistant director and chief of the FBI’s Counter-Terrorism Section, has stated, “CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups”?
Yet with all the big mouthedness and cockiness of the people who staff CAIR, never one of them dares to answer why almost everyone on this page is a Muslim.
Now Conservative syndicated columnist and author Cal Thomas is under fire for comments deemed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations for expressing “Islamophobic attitudes.”
Discussing the weekend’s UK terror plots, Thomas compared some Muslims to a “slow spreading cancer.” CNS reports that CAIR is urging supporters to call DC radio station WTOP-AM to “express your concerns.” CAIR described the Thomas comments as “incitement.” The message included the name and work number of a radio station executive.
CAIR is the real cancer, folks. CAIR is the fifth column incubating in its pit with seething rage for non-Muslims ready to blackmail anyone it can for speaking the truth.