Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

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UN Report Attacks Israel’s Supporters Worldwide

Via JNS: UN Report Attacks Israel’s Supporters Worldwide The UN “Commission of Inquiry” has released its third report that launches an unprecedented attack on Israel and its defenders. The inquisitors make findings of “war crimes” and “grave breaches of international humanitarian law” by Israel only, and then appeal to accelerate international criminal...

UN Report Targets 35 U.S. States over Laws Banning Anti-Israel Bias

The United Nations, once again, over steps its boundaries and targets 35 states in the USA for laws prohibiting discrimination against Israel. Via Fox News: UN Report Targets 35 U.S. States over Laws Banning Anti-Israel Bias The UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) on Thursday issued a new report that attacked rights of U.S. states to pass legislation banning discrimination against Israel via boycotts...

Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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