No doubt. And like I’ve said before, I will watch all the arab stores in my town. When they will pull down their shades and won’t open their shops, then I will know something is up, because that is what they did once before. From Attempts in UK Seen as Model for New Attacks on U.S. Soil:
The next terrorist assault on the United States is likely to come through relatively unsophisticated, near-simultaneous attacks – similar to those attempted in Britain over the weekend – U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism officials believe. The incidents in England and Scotland, counterterrorism officials said, coincide with recent U.S. intelligence indicating stepped-up movement of money and people from al-Qaeda camps in the ungoverned tribal areas of Pakistan, near the Afghan border. Bruce Hoffman, a counterterrorism expert at Georgetown University, said he considered al-Qaeda involvement likely in the British incidents and disagreed with those who labeled the attacks amateurish. “They didn’t work, but I think of all the al-Qaeda plots we’ve seen, their sophistication is in their simplicity. They used available materials.”