While the IDF does not foresee a war in the immediate future, the Home Front Command launched an unprecedented media campaign on Sunday. From Army Prepares Public for Missile Attack via Daily Alert:
Brochures are being mailed to homes across the country explaining to civilians how to prepare for missile onslaughts against Israel. The campaign also includes a number of radio and television commercials – including one intended for children. The campaign’s slogan is “Being ready means being protected.” “The campaign is one of the main lessons we learned from the Second Lebanon War,” a senior officer said Sunday. “This is our way of helping the public get ready for the possibility that war will break out in the future.” “The best way to protect oneself during a missile attack is to stay indoors in a bomb shelter or an inside room that does not have windows to the outside,” a top officer said. “During the Second Lebanon War, 90% of the civilians who were hurt from Hizbullah rockets were outside.”
See also Preparing for a State of Emergency
See also Israeli Missile Defense