Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel

Archaeological excavations prove Jews lived in Israel as far back as 530 BC


Folks, readers have asked us about how we can state that Israel belongs to the Jews. Well, you can start by doing your own research on British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon, (search on her name at who excavated several areas in Israel. One site in particular, the area known as the Citadel – is part of the foundation to the First Jewish Temple, built on a wall of stones, and when it was uncovered appeared as an escarpment. She found a structure that was in existence when Jerusalem was conquered by David. It was originally a Jebusite palace, and for a time King David used it as his own residence.

Another evidential archaeological structure that has come to light from the time of the First Temple in Jerusalem is the Broad Wall, which gets its name from its unusual width. It is located on Mount Zion in the Old City Jewish Quarter, which is west of the Temple Mount and the City of David. It is part of the defensive wall that was built around Jerusalem when the city was threatened by Assyria. The city’s water source, Gihon Spring, was channeled under the City of David thru Hezekiah’s Tunnel, so that it surfaced at the Pool of Siloam.

The Four Room House is an architectural signature that has been found, not only in Jerusalem, but all over the land of Israel. This distinctive residence was universally used by the Jewish people during the time of the Judges and the First Temple period, until the Babylonians destoyed the Temple and Jerusalem. Only the Israelites used this floor plan, not the Canaanites or the Philistines and the plan was largely discontinued after the Babylonian Captivity. Thus when a Four Room House is discovered it is a clear indication that it was occupied by Jewish people during the time of the Judges or the kings of Jerusalem.

These are just a sampling of the archeological evidence proving Jews lived in “that” area for thousands of years. If you want more information on Achiel’s House, Professor Amnon Ben-Tor’s archaeological dig at Hazor, information on Megiddo, a dig funded under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation, The Tower of David, the Temple at Tel Qesilla, the Pilate Stone, the site of Tel Dan, Zippori, or the House of David Stone, just search the web using those keywords.

Yup, we were there hundreds and hundreds of years waaaaaaaay before jihadists and arabists claim we were, and you know what? We ain’t going away.

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Editorial Staff
By Editorial Staff
Deconstructing the Lies About the Legitimate and Sovereign Nation of Israel



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