For all of the oil revenue that has flowed into the wealthier Arab countries, consider the overall state of the Arab world:
* It does not produce a single manufactured product of sufficient quality to sell on world markets.
* Arab productivity is the lowest in the world.
* It contains not a single world-class university.
* The once-great tradition of Arab science has degenerated into a few research programs in the fields of chemical and biological warfare.
* No Arab state is a true democracy.
* No Arab state genuinely respects human rights.
* No Arab state hosts a responsible media.
* No Arab society fully respects the rights of women or minorities.
* No Arab government has ever accepted public responsibility for its ownshortcomings.
If Arab muslims prefer to dream that they are superior while engaging in savagery and barbarism, then they are their own ultimate victims. And frankly, I don’t care if they fester in their own muck for the next 1,400 years. They brought it upon themselves and deserve it.