Today the United American Committee is alerting its members to an issue at hand that the UAC finds utterly disgusting, troubling, and gravely dangerous. The United States government has agreed to help the radical kingdom called Saudi Arabia develop nuclear technology for power and other “peaceful” purposes. See the news article here. The UAC wishes to remind everyone of an article from 2003 describing the Saudi kingdom’s intense desire to develop a nuclear bomb. Due to overwhelming evidence and hard facts, the UAC firmly believes that the Saudi kingdom is the chief exporter of terrorism and extremism in the world. The kingdom spend billions of dollars on exporting their extremist ideology through the construction of radical mosques and madrassas throughout the world, as well as direct support to terror support in the form of money to the families of suicide bombers, as well as direct contributions to charities in the United States who believe in establishing Islamic law in America. The kingdom also spends billions of dollars supporting lobbying activities to influence our government officials. We urge every United American Committee member and activist within the anti-jihad resistance to contact their congressman and senators to let your opinion be known.Find your congressman by following this link.Find your senator by following this link.
Alert: U.S. to help Saudis gain nuclear technology