
Abbas Cancels Gaza Trip over Hamas Assassination Plot

How bad could the assasination of Abbas be considering this barbarian, who is posing as a moderate leader of “thepalestinianpeople”, engineered the murders of the Israeli athletes in the Munich Olympics in 1972. He would have gotten what he deserved if someone blew a chunk out of his brain. From Abbas Cancels Gaza Trip over Hamas Assassination Plot:

Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas canceled a trip to Gaza on Thursday after it was discovered that militants from Hamas planned to blow up his convoy, a senior security official said. “Abu Mazen’s (Abbas’) visit to Gaza was canceled after the discovery of a tunnel under Salaheddine Road full of explosives placed by the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigade to blow up (Abbas’) convoy,” said the official. “The explosives were found on the route that Abu Mazen takes to travel to Gaza,” the source added.