Nominations for the 2005 Jewish and Israeli Blog Awards (JIB) on the web site for 16 different categories concluded Sunday, December 18 and I am excited to announce that Smooth Stone has made it to the final nominations in the Best Israel Advocacy Blog Category and my second blog, Divest from “Palestine” has made it into the final nominations in the Best New Blog category.
I am honored to be nominated along with some of my own personal favorites like LGF , Meryl Yourish, and Soccer Dad, which is an award in itself.
This year The Jerusalem Post is joining in hosting the second year of the JIB awards, “with the aim of bringing this exciting event to a greater audience while maintaining the grass-roots spirit of the blog community”.
The voting will take place at in two stages: For the larger categories there will be a preliminary round of voting, readers can vote for their favorite blogs in each of the 16 categories. The top vote-getters will advance to the final round of voting, with the final awards going to the top three placers in each category. The final award winners will be announced on both sites, and will be honored with fame and glory as well as JIB award banners (designed by Zahava Bogner, Ventures Consulting Group, Inc.) to post on their blogsites.
In view of the high number and quality of entries, the judges have decided to allow readers a full week to view the nominated entries for before the first round of voting, which has now been rescheduled to commence on January 9th.
Jan 9th – 19th: Preliminary voting round on
Jan 24th – Feb 2nd: Final voting round on
Feb 7th: Winners announced
A giant thank you to Israelly Cool for originating the awards last year and to the The Jerusalem Post for hosting the 2005 awards.
Click here for the current roster of nominees and click here to navigate to The Jerusalem Post’s JIB 2005 Main Page.